4 Ways WundaBar Can Improve Your Running
Photo by Maggie Zulovic for Carbon38
We all know Pilates is amazing for strengthening the core, your spine and toning muscles, but did you know the way we work at WundaBar can also improve how you walk and run?
Check out these 4 ways WundaBar can improve your run times, stamina and joint health!
Pilates connects your legs to the power of your core, increasing stamina and performance by sharing the workload.
Your deep abs (the Psoas muscles) run vertically alongside your spine and connect to the top of your thigh bone. These muscles are responsible for bending the hip and knee to lift the leg for running and work with the hamstrings to extend the leg for the push-off phase. WundaBar conditions this connection and teaches your body how to capitalize on it.
WundaBar promotes proper foot and ankle function which are critical for running of any kind- short or long distance. Properly articulating through the soles of the feet helps to stabilize knee joints for long term health. Improving talus glide (how the ankle bends and extends) supports proper knee and hip function as well.
WundaBar increases function of the hip joints by working the hip complex at a variety of angles. This best lubricates the hip sockets and allow for proper bone rhythms. These angles also support the glut med muscles all the way up to the waistline, which powers strong and sustained runs.