5 Tips to Get Moving This Holiday.


The holiday season is notorious for knocking folks off their wellness routines. We’re all for loosening our grip on the reigns during this time of year to relax out of a rigid routine & make room for holiday cheer; however, it’s helpful to not completely fall off so that you can keep a sense of self during this busy time of year!

Here are 5 simple tips for keeping on track throughout the holiday season:

  1. When you wake up, drink a glass of water before eating or drinking anything else. It will help to rehydrate you after sleep and start you with a healthy habit first thing! I keep one by my bed to make it an easy reminder.

  2. Relatives asking what they can get you for a holiday gift? Make it something that motivates you to move! A new sports bra? Sneakers? A package of classes to your favorite studio? Make it something you want to use and will support your health during and after the holidays!

  3. Starting your day with your workout. It's easy to get wrapped up in the festivities and put your wellness on the back burner - so make it your first priority before the rest of your day happens and you'll be so glad you did!

  4. Schedule your classes in advance. Naturally during the holiday season, studios tend to fill up faster! Make sure you book in advance to save your spot & use it as motivation to get in & get it done!

  5. If your friends and family are in town for the holidays and you’re feeling particularly guilty about leaving them for the hour to go to your workout class, invite them with you! Movement + spending time with your loved ones = double the endorphins! It’ll be fun to introduce them to your favorite workout and then you can go grab a tea or coffee after!

Amy Jordan